Contact Us

Contact SOPA Inc.


Serving in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas & Mississippi

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Have a project that could use our expertise?

Design Service - We'd love to help with the design process. Let our factory experts help work out the kinks in the early stages of the design. It's a free service and can make all the difference in the finished product.

Budgeting - Feel free to call on us anytime you need help estimating the budget for your project.

Maintenance - We offer an extensive maintenance program for Telescopic Bleachers, Stadium & Lecture Room Seating, Casework, and Athletic Equipment. We are also a Hussey Advantage Regional Service Center.

Installation - We offer installation services for all of the products that we sell.

Our Phone Number:


Wichita office:


Fax Number:


Arkansas Location:

241 Newman Drive

North Little Rock, AR 72117

Kansas Location:

723 N. Gow Street

Wichita, Kansas

New Location in Wichita, Kansas

723 N. Gow Street

Wichita, Kansas

Call us today:


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